Friday, January 18, 2013

A Shockingly Good Time

Thursday I was feeling unmotivated, like skip a run during my first week of training unmotivated! I am also trying to ignore the fact that I might be getting sick. Wednesday night I developed the sniffles & a scratchy, dry throat, but it's just a figment of my imagination, right?! On Thursdays I have been running around the city with Molly and Emily. Since Molly is still a bit under the weather I was left to run on my own. The last time I ran alone was on Christmas Eve and it was so boring. I am used to chatting and laughing the miles away with my ladies. Since I was already unmotivated, didn't want to run alone and it seemed extra chilly out, I thought I'd switch it up and run on the treadmill at the local gym. I had a 3 mile tempo on my schedule and thought to would be manageable on the mill. 

Making myself at home
It has been a while since I ran on the treadmill and I also don't really run with music any more, so I took some time to get organized and programmed in a 5k run. I started off at my usual easy pace at a 12 minute mile. I then ramped it up to between a 10:00 and 10:30 pace which is usually my 5k race pace. I just kind of watched the clock and set mini time/speed goals for myself as I went. All was great and I was rocking out to some ACDC when all of a sudden I felt a shocking sensation on/in my ears. It felt weird and I got startled. I thought maybe my shoes were creating some static electricity on the belt of the treadmill. So I kept on movin' and shakin' and it happened two more times! It seemed as though when I was running, the cord from my ear buds came in contact with a piece of metal on the treadmill and the current was running through the cord to my ears!! But I didn't want to test my theory. I didn't pay much attention in science class, can this actually happen? I wound up spending the rest of the run holding my phone with the cord wrapped around it and it didn't happen again. 
I knew running could be dangerous but
this takes it to a whole new level.
I finished up my run in about 36 minutes and did a couple minute cool down. I cleaned up my machine and realized I didn't quite feel like leaving yet. Since I have been experiencing some hip trouble when my mileage goes up, I thought I would use a couple strength training machines targeting some of my problem areas. I even spent some time stretching before I left. As I drove home I realized I actually had a pretty good time on the treadmill. You know, except for the whole static shock part, lesson learned!

3.25 miles total. I am up .75 miles for training this week.
That wont last long.

Do you mind the mill?
How often do you do a tempo run?


  1. I enjoyed your blog! Good luck with your training -- I ran 12 half marathons in 2012, it's my favorite distance, and I'm also training for my first full marathon (the Ottawa Marathon, Memorial Day weekend 2013).

    1. Thank you so much!! 12 halves is awesome, my goal was to do three. I have a bunch on the agenda this year. Hopefully I'm not over committing myself. Good luck with your training. -Stephanie

  2. I hate the mill with burning passion. I tried it last night. We still arent friends.

    1. Haha, yea I was surprised at how I felt on it. I don't think I could have done more then 3 miles. Started out good but then got pretty bored. Thanks for checking out the blog.
